Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Fitness - Body, Skin, Teeth, Hair..errrr Brain ???
Brain fitness is often the most talked and discussed term today. Some children are extremely sharp and agile while many others are not so sharp and intelligent (apparently). Children, who have a fitter and physically sharper brain, display an amazing ability to solve the most complex of all classroom problems. Brain fitness is a term that is used almost akin to physical fitness with almost similar type of goals and objectives. Just like we keep our body fit and healthy, we will also need to keep our brain fit. Unfortunately, we spend hundreds of dollars to keep our physique fit and skin beautiful! However, we may never spend the same amount of time, money and effort to keep our brain fit, happy and healthy. Sadly, we may never realize the importance of keeping our brain healthy, smarter and sharper because we may never feel the need for it!
As a parent, we may wish to train our children understand the power of brain and its great importance. Brain train exercises can make our children sharper in their classroom and can help them to develop the most important skills of better cognition, visualization, thinking, imagination and verbal. Last but not the least, using the brain is the best stimulation and training to ensure fitness. Let's provide/create opportunities for our children to use their brain.
I hope you will find this issue helpful. Cheers.