Saturday, October 31, 2009

Bueaty in Being a Mom !!!

after becoming a mom ..It’s not that I hated how I looked, really. It’s just that after a while, it was hard to be judged, and not start co-signing the judgments. Maybe my skin was getting a little dark...lot of hormonal changes.. My affinity for books and dolls little too nerdy.
some folks -- mostly adults -- stood at the ready to remind me of this..I shouldn’t play in the sun because my skin may spoil even more ... friends often clucked that am “getting fat.” I alternated between being barely able to cope with the daily responsibilities of motherhood and mind-numbing confusion.i must say...sometimes My days felt like a marathon disaster movie, starring me racing around after my child to prevent him from hurling himself from high places and/or gleefully electrocuting himself. My nights were a study in sleep deprivation, with kids waking up every two hours passion to many things has to be substituted....but still..... Being a mom is both a pleasant and challenging life-time have the power to recreate and bring new life to this world. You get the chance to witness a baby grown, from inside of you, and grow into a responsible, happy and successful adult. There is no other feeling similar to that of the maternal impulse. my day goes with books, crayons, or blocks..looking around for caterpillers turning to butterflies with kids and so on... ,everyday i prepare myselves for the adventure and experience of a lifetime! It is crazy how some believe that bearing a child is the end of their lives but actually, what they fail to see is that, it is a new beginning.. Your baby is an extention of yourself .. Motherhood is your time to discover new and fresh ways to raise a healthy, sound-minded soul…thats the beauty in being a mom!!!.....its nice that am learning to embrace every moment and comment ...its great...thanks...

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